Committee for the Executive Office, Wednesday 10 April 2024 The Committee met on Wednesday 10 April 2024. The Committee received briefings from Fiona Ryan the Commissioner for Survivors of Institutional Childhood Abuse (COSICA), the Rosetta Trust and Survivors North-West and Survivors and Victims of Institutional Abuse (SAVIA). View Agenda

Committee for the Economy, Wednesday 10 April 2024 The Committee met on Wwednesday 10 April 2024. The Committee received an oral and written briefing from the Department for the Economy on its framework for supporting research and the delivery of innovation programmes. The Committee will also receive an oral and written briefing from Advice NI on the need for reform of Debt… Continue Reading Committee for the Economy, Wednesday 10 April 2024

Motion: Strategic Framework for a Shared Future Proposed: That this Assembly recognises the ongoing need to build a genuinely shared future; expresses concern at the ongoing and severe costs, both social and financial, of continued social and economic segregation; notes the value of increasing numbers of people now enjoying educational, sporting and career opportunities free from the confines of traditional community… Continue Reading Motion: Strategic Framework for a Shared Future