Question Time: Education, Tuesday 25 June 2024 Minister for Education, Paul Givan answers Members questions during Question Time. View Questions

Question Time: Education, Monday 3 June 2024 with ISL Questions to the Minister of Education, Paul Givan, on Monday 3 June 2024. This coverage is accompanied by Irish Sign Language interpretation. Read the questions asked of the Minister and the answers provided.

Question Time: Education, Tuesday 30 April 2024 Minister for Education, Paul Givan answers Members questions during Question Time.

Question Time: Education, Monday 26 February 2024 with ISL Education Minister Paul Givan answers Members’ questions during Question Time in Plenary on Tuesday 26 February 2024. This coverage is accompanied with ISL interpretation. View a written transcript of the Minister’s responses during Plenary. View a list of the questions put to the Minister.