Question Time: Executive Office, Monday 24 June 2024 First Minister answers question to The Executive Office on Monday 24 June 2024. View Questions

Question Time: Executive Office, Monday 24 June 2024 with ISL First Minister Michelle O’Neill answers questions from Members to the Executive Office during Question Time in Plenary on Monday 24 June 2024. This coverage is accompanied by Irish Sign Language (ISL) interpretation. View the written transcript of the questions asked by Members and the First Minister’s responses.

Committee for Communities Meeting, Thursday 7 March 2024

Full Meeting with Interpreted Audio Conradh na Gaeilge – Seisiún Fianaise as Gaeilge The Communities Committee met on Thursday 07 March 2024. This meeting took place during Irish language Week 2024 and included a briefing from Conradh na Gaeilge. This was the first time simultaneous interpretation had been used in a committee meeting.  Bhí an… Continue Reading Committee for Communities Meeting, Thursday 7 March 2024