Committee for Justice Meeting Tuesday 30 June 2020 The Committee considered a written briefing on the Department of Justice Finance Update. The Committee also discussed the Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Seven Year Strategy and the use of live link technology for Police detention/interviews. View the agenda.

Committee for Health Meeting Thursday 25 June 2020 The Committee began by considering the following Statutory Rules: SR 2020/103 The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Amendment No.6) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 SR 2020/104 The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment No.2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 SR 2020/106 The Mental Capacity (Deprivation of Liberty) (Amendment) (Revocation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 The Committee then received an update… Continue Reading Committee for Health Meeting Thursday 25 June 2020

Committee for the Economy Meeting Wednesday 24 June 2020 The Committee received a Departmental briefing on the Skills Strategy and considered a written Departmental briefing on the Energy Strategy. * Apologies for the technical issues towards the end of the meeting. The quality of the audio remains intact but the picture quality becomes very disrupted. If you would prefer audio only, you might… Continue Reading Committee for the Economy Meeting Wednesday 24 June 2020