Question Time: Communities, Monday 20 May 2024 with BSL Minister for Communities, Gordon Lyons, answers Members’ questions during Question Time on Monday 20 November 2024. This video is accompanied with British Sign Language interpretation. You can also read the questions put to the Minister and the answers provided.

Question Time: Communities, Monday 20 May 2024 with ISL–AZkdbuW_ Questions to the Minister of Communities, Gordon Lyons, on Monday 20 May 2024. This coverage is accompanied by Irish Sign language interpretation. View the questions asked of the Minister and the answers provided in response.

Second Stage: The Executive Committee (Functions) Bill – Monday 6 July 2020 After the Bill was introduced earlier in the day, and Members approved the motion to permit the Bill pass through the Assembly by accelerated passage, the second stage of the Executive Committee (Functions) Bill is discussed. The policy objective of the Bill is to clarify that: (i) referral to the Executive Committee must take… Continue Reading Second Stage: The Executive Committee (Functions) Bill – Monday 6 July 2020