Question Time: Executive Office, Monday 29 April 2024 with ISL Questions Time with the Executive Office on Monday 29 April 2024. This coverage is accompanied by Irish Sign Language interpretation. Read the schedule of questions to be asked of the Department and the answers provided.

Question Time: The Executive Office, Monday 4 March 2024 with ISL Emma Little-Pengelly, deputy First Minister, answers questions put to the Executive Office during Question Time on Monday 4 March 2024. This coverage is accompanied with ISL interpretation. Read the official transcript of the deputy First Minister’s responses. View the list of questions put to the department.

Question Time: The Executive Office, Monday 4 March 2024 with BSL deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly answers questions on Monday 4 March 2024. View Questions

Question Time: The Executive Office, Monday 4 March 2024 deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly answers questions on Monday 4 March 2024. View Questions

Committee for Justice Meeting, Thursday 3 March 2022 The Committee for Justice met on Thursday 3 March 2022. The Committee held an oral evidence session with the Chief Inspector on CJINI Report on a Review into the Operation of Care and Supervision Units in the NI Prison Service. View Agenda