Ministerial Statement Finance The Procurement Board
Ministerial Statement Finance The Procurement Board
Ministerial Statement Finance The Procurement Board
Ministerial Statement – Minister of Finance – NSMC in Special EU Programmes Sectoral Format
Ministerial Statement: Minister of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs – British Irish Council Environment Sector Meeting Health Minister Robin Swann delivers a statement on COVID-19 and service rebuilding. The statement was followed by period of Members’ questions to the Minister. Minister of Finance Conor Murphy delivers a Ministerial Statement on public expenditure including 2019-20 provisional outturn, 2020-21 June Monitoring and re-prioritisation due to the impact of COVID-19. Following the statement, the Minister answered Members questions. Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Edwin Poots briefs the Chamber on the Green Growth Strategy and Delivery Framework. Members then questioned the Minister on the Strategy.