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Sign Language Bill

Sign Language Bill

The Sign Language Bill was introduced to the Assembly by the Minister for Communities, Gordon Lyons, on Monday 10 February 2025.

Coverage of the Bill as it makes its way through the legislative process will be accompanied by simultaneous interpretation with BSL and ISL. This includes debates in the Assembly chamber and evidence sessions undertaken by the Committee for Communities in its scrutiny role during the Committee Stage of the Bill.

From this page you can watch the recordings of the debates and Committee evidence sessions and keep up with the progress of the Bill.

Watch the Bill work its way through the Assembly

Bill Stage debates in the Chamber

The Sign Language Bill was introduced to the Assembly on Monday 10 February 2025 and completed its Second Stage on Tuesday 18 February 2025. Following the Second Stage, the Bill was referred to the Committee for Communities to begin its scrutiny.

When the Committee completes its scrutiny of the Bill, it will then progress to Consideration Stage when the Bill will undergo further scrutiny from MLAs in the Assembly chamber.

The Consideration Stage, as well as subsequent stages of the Bill, will also be made available here.

Committee Stage evidence sessions

The Sign Language Bill is currently in the Committee Stage of the legislative process.

The Bill was referred to the Committee for Communities for scrutiny and consideration on Tuesday 18 February 2025 following the completion of the Bill’s second stage.

Evidence sessions held by the Committee as part of its scrutiny of the Bill will be recorded with BSL and ISL interpretation and published here when available.

Pre-Committee Stage evidence sessions

Before the Sign Language Bill was referred to the Committee for Communities, the Committee received a briefing from the Department for Communities on Thursday 6 February 2025.

The aim of this briefing session was to receive an update from the Department on the progress of the Bill to date. This session was recorded with BSL and ISL and can be watched below: