Question Time: Finance and Personnel 13 October 2015

Finance Minister, Arlene Foster, provided an update on the inescapable financial pressures facing the Executive during today’s Question Time. The Minister revealed that “Departments have registered pressures in the June monitoring round of £234.6m on resource departmental expenditure limits (DEL) and £327.1m on capital DEL. A recent high-level assessment by my officials indicates that over… Continue Reading Question Time: Finance and Personnel 13 October 2015

Question Time: Employment and Learning Monday 12 October 2015

Employment and learning Minister, Stephen Farry, discussed proposed course closures and job losses at the Coleraine campus of the Ulster University during today’s Question Time. While the Department sets funding and the strategic direction for the Higher Education sector, universities are autonomous and responsible for how their budget is deployed including course provision and staffing… Continue Reading Question Time: Employment and Learning Monday 12 October 2015

Question Time: Agriculture and Rural Development Monday 14 September 2015

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Michelle O’Neill, discussed farm price difficulties and the crisis in the farming sector during today’s Question Time. The Minister is “very concerned about the impact on individual farmers, their families and, indeed, the wider industry” citing global factors outside our control such as the Russian ban on food imports,… Continue Reading Question Time: Agriculture and Rural Development Monday 14 September 2015