Question Time: Culture, Arts and Leisure Tuesday 24 November 2015

Culture, Arts and Leisure Minister, Caral Ni Chuilin, described the support her Department (DCAL) gives to boxing clubs during today’s Question Time. DCAL and Sport NI have provided practical and financial support to establishing boxing clubs all over the country, mainly through Sport NI’s boxing investment programme. The City of Culture legacy programme will also… Continue Reading Question Time: Culture, Arts and Leisure Tuesday 24 November 2015

Question Time: Social Development Monday 23 November 2015

Social Development Minister, Mervyn Storey, provided his assessment of the current process for allocating social housing during today’s Question Time. The current selection scheme has been in place since 2000 but the preceding Social Development Minister decided a fundamental review was in order and has now been taken forward by the Department in close discussion… Continue Reading Question Time: Social Development Monday 23 November 2015

Question Time: Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister Monday 23 November 2015

First Minister Peter Robinson received a standing ovation following his last Question Time before retiring. During his final Question Time as First Minister, Mr Robinson provided the House with an update on the racial equality strategy 2014-2024. Following the 16 week public consultation phase which generated much debate, the strategy was revised to take the… Continue Reading Question Time: Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister Monday 23 November 2015

Question Time – Regional Development – Tuesday 17 November 2015

The Regional Development Minister, Miss Michelle McIlveen was asked for an update on the Belfast rapid transit system, the Minister stated “I am fully committed to the delivery of Belfast rapid transit, including not only the current phase, which connects east Belfast, west Belfast and Titanic Quarter via the city centre, but future extensions to… Continue Reading Question Time – Regional Development – Tuesday 17 November 2015

Question Time – Justice – Tuesday 17 November 2015

Oral Questions to the Justice Minister began with questions from Mr Lynch MLA, Mr Allister MLA and Mc D McIlveen asking the Minister to outline how his Department plans to address the findings of the recent published Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland’s inspection report on an unannounced inspection of Maghaberry prison 11-22 May 2015. The… Continue Reading Question Time – Justice – Tuesday 17 November 2015

Question Time: Health, Social Services and Public Safety Monday 16 November 2015

Health Minister, Mr Simon Hamilton began Oral Question Time by answering Ms Maeve McLaughlin, Mr Peter Weir and Mr Adrian McQuillan’s concerns regarding the Ministers plans in reforming the health service. The Minister stated that ” there are simply too many layers of administration in our system, which are making it difficult to meet those… Continue Reading Question Time: Health, Social Services and Public Safety Monday 16 November 2015

Question Time: Enterprise, Trade and Investment Tuesday 10 November 2015

In response to a question from Lord Morrow, Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Jonathan Bell described how he plans to create jobs in Northern Ireland over the next five years. Mr Bell said “the Executive’s economic strategy sets out an overarching goal to 2030 to improve the economic competitiveness of the economy through a… Continue Reading Question Time: Enterprise, Trade and Investment Tuesday 10 November 2015