Question Time: Agriculture and Rural Development Tuesday 12 January 2016

Agriculture Minister, Michelle O’Neill, discussed the success of the Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Framework (TRPSI Framework) 2011-2015 and proposals for a replacement scheme during today’s Question Time. Mrs O’Neill is “very proud of the achievements that have been delivered under the current TRPSI framework” particularly the positive impact to rural dwellers across a… Continue Reading Question Time: Agriculture and Rural Development Tuesday 12 January 2016

Urgent Oral Question: Agriculture and Rural Development Monday 11 January 2016

Agriculture Minister, Michelle O’Neill, answered an urgent oral question on the impact of the recent severe flooding across Northern Ireland during today’s Question Time. The three storms in December, along with heavy rainfall, has seen 30 properties experience flooding. The response to the recent events has been a multi-agency approach. DARD continues to discharge lead… Continue Reading Urgent Oral Question: Agriculture and Rural Development Monday 11 January 2016

Question Time: Regional Development Monday 11 January 2016

Regional Development Minister, Michelle McIlveen, provided an update on proposals for a new Translink integrated ticketing system during today’s Question Time. The project aims to replace Translink’s current ticketing equipment, which has become outdated, and to update existing concessionary and Translink smart cards to align with new technology, particularly online top-ups. It also aims to… Continue Reading Question Time: Regional Development Monday 11 January 2016

Question Time: Health, Social Services and Public Safety Tuesday 08 December 2015

Sandra Overend enquired about the levels of funding allocated to address pressures in the health service in 2015-16 compared to those allocated in 2014-15 during today’s Questions to the Minister of Health, Simon Hamilton. The total level of funding in 2015-16 is £123m higher than that available in 2014-15 with that increase taking into account… Continue Reading Question Time: Health, Social Services and Public Safety Tuesday 08 December 2015

Question Time: Justice Tuesday 08 December 2015

Justice Minister, David Ford, addressed concerns on staffing pressures in local prisons during today’s Question Time. Departures from the Prison Service and high sickness levels have created ongoing staffing pressures. “The service has kept staffing levels under review and worked to maximise existing resources through the use of staff redeployment and continued robust management of,… Continue Reading Question Time: Justice Tuesday 08 December 2015

Question Time: OFMDFM 07 December 2015

MLAs posed questions on the following subjects to the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister. Freedom of Information Responses; Disability Strategy: Update; Legacy Issues: Final Resolution; Shackleton Site, Ballykelly; Childcare Strategy: Update; Civil Contingencies Policy Branch; Jobs: NI Skill Set; Weather Conditions: Task Force; Benefits: DWP Control; OFMDFM: Legislative Programme You can… Continue Reading Question Time: OFMDFM 07 December 2015

Question Time – DFP 07 December 2015

MLAs questioned the the Minister of Finance and Personnel on the following subjects: Rates relief; Independent Fiscal Council for Northern Ireland; Autumn Statement; Sports Facilities: Derating; Sports Clubs: Rates; Financial Transactions Capital: Strategic Priorities; Rates Revenue: DFI; Economic Growth; Budget Preparations: Update; Flooding: Executive Support; Flooding: Rates Rebate; Rates Revaluation: Legislation; Halo Business Angel Investment Network; Welfare… Continue Reading Question Time – DFP 07 December 2015