Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 20 May 2020 The Committee received a briefing on the impact of Coronavirus on schools from a number of officials in the education sector. This was fallowed by Departmental updates on the latest in the response to Coronavirus and on continuity of learning. View the agenda.

Committee for Education Meeting – Wednesday 13 May 2020 The Committee was briefed on Coronavirus and post Primary transfer by officials representing the Association for Quality Education and the Post-Primary Transfer Consortium. This was followed by a weekly update on the Education Department’s response to Coronavirus from Minister Peter Weir and Departmental officials. View the agenda.

Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 22 April 2020 The Committee received a briefing from CCEA on the impact on exam arrangements in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. This was followed by a Departmental update on the response to Coronavirus. The Committee also considered a written briefing in relation to the Department’s budget. View the agenda.