Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 11 November 2020 The Committee received a briefing on the role of sport in schools and the Sports Programme from representatives of the Irish Football Association, Ulster GAA, Irish Football Association, Gaelic Athletic Association, Physical Intelligence and Ulster Rugby. This was followed by a briefing on the Emotional Health and Well Being Framework from representatives of the… Continue Reading Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 11 November 2020

Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 4 November 2020 The Committee received a briefing from representatives of the Department for Education and the Education Authority on Special Schools area planning including pre-schools. This was followed by a Departmental briefing on the October Monitoring Round – 2021-24 Budget Gathering Exercise. View the agenda.

Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 14 October 2020 The Committee meet following the statement from First Minister Arlene Foster to the Assembly to outline upcoming restrictions to come in to place to help stop the rising spread of COVID-19. This includes the extension of the mid-term break for schools to two weeks.

Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 23 September 2020 The Committee received a briefing from representatives of the Department for Education and the Education Authority on Post Primary Transfer. This was followed by a briefing from representatives of the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) on curriculum and assessment in 2021. View the agenda.

Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 9 September 2020

The Committee received a briefing from the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council on the curriculum and assessment in 2021. This was followed by a briefing from Department of Education and Education Authority on the restart of schools following the temporary closures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. View the agenda.

Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 2 September 2020 The Committee received two briefings on the restart in schools following the temporary closures put in place due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. The first briefing was from representatives of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, the Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance and trade unions UNITE, Unison and GMB.… Continue Reading Committee for Education Meeting Wednesday 2 September 2020