Assembly Recall on COVID-19 Issues in Schools on 10 January 2022

Motion for debate “That this Assembly expresses its support for keeping schools open and operating in a manner that is safe for pupils, parents, teachers and staff; further expresses serious concern at the lack of planning by the Minister of Education to ensure the safe reopening of schools in the context of the increased transmissibility… Continue Reading Assembly Recall on COVID-19 Issues in Schools on 10 January 2022

Statement from the Executive Office on ‘Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses in Northern Ireland – Truth, Acknowledgement and Accountability’

The deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill made a statement to the Assembly on behalf of the Executive Office on ‘Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses in Northern Ireland – Truth, Acknowledgement and Accountability’. You can view the Official Report of the statement and questions from MLAs following the statement, by following this link. 

Motion: British Government Proposal for Troubles Amnesty

Motion: British Government Proposal for Troubles Amnesty Proposed: That this Assembly believes that victims and survivors should have a full, material and central role and input into the content and design of structures to address the legacy of the past; rejects the proposals contained in the British Government’s Command Paper 498 ‘Addressing the Legacy of… Continue Reading Motion: British Government Proposal for Troubles Amnesty