Motion: Fundamental Appraisal of Planning System Motion: Fundamental Appraisal of Planning System Proposed: That this Assembly acknowledges the importance of the planning process towards growing the Northern Ireland economy and creating places that people want to work, live and invest in; expresses alarm at lengthy delays in determining major applications as well as the often disjointed and ineffective approach to… Continue Reading Motion: Fundamental Appraisal of Planning System

Motion: High Quality Affordable Childcare Motion: High Quality Affordable Childcare Proposed: That this Assembly recognises that the costs of childcare are unaffordable for many and that hard-working families are struggling every month to meet these costs; further recognises that the childcare sector is in need of urgent and significant investment in order to put the sector on a sustainable… Continue Reading Motion: High Quality Affordable Childcare

Ministerial Statement 12 February 2024: Provision of Additional Investment to Address Potholes Minister for Infrastructure, John O’Dowd, makes a statement to the House on the provision of additional investment to address potholes. Following the statement, the Minister answered members’ questions on the subject. Read the transcript of the statement and the question and answer session that followed.

Ministerial Statement 12 February 2024: Sustainable Investment in Education Infrastructure Minister of Education, Paul Given provides a statement regarding sustainable investment in education infrastructure. Following the Statement, the Minister answered Members’ questions. Read the transcript of the statement and the question and answer session that followed.

Members’ Statements 12 February 2024 What are Members’ Statements? If a Member wishes to make a statement in the Assembly Chamber during Plenary, he or she must rise in their place. The Speaker will select a Member to make a statement, which must relate to a topical matter of public interest. Read a transcript of the statements made by… Continue Reading Members’ Statements 12 February 2024

Assembly Plenary – 3 August 2022 The Assembly sat on Wednesday 3 August 2022. Subtitles/closed captions are used where an English translation of Irish spoken in the Chamber is needed. If you want to watch sessions with translated audio please use this link. Read the Official Report by following this link.