Economic Strategy

On the 7th of June 2016, MLAs debated a motion on Economic Strategy: “That this Assembly calls on the Executive to focus on creating more and better jobs in Northern Ireland and to bring forward an updated economic strategy alongside the new Programme for Government 2016-21.” Read the transcript on our website.

Tourism in East Antrim

On Tuesday 7th June 2016, MLAs adjournment debate was on the topic of ‘Tourism in East Antrim’. You can read a transcript of the debate on our website.

Early Years Development and Pre-School Childcare

On Tuesday 7th June 2016 MLAs debated the following motion: “That this Assembly recognises that the experience of children in the early years of life has multiple impacts on development, health and educational achievement; believes that there should be a common, cross-departmental approach to funding, inspection, registration and access to child and family support services;… Continue Reading Early Years Development and Pre-School Childcare

Illegal Drugs

On Monday 6th June 2016, MLAs debated the following motion: “That this Assembly acknowledges with grave concern the impact and extent of drug related incidents, crimes and fatalities in our communities; supports the ongoing work carried out by statutory services, the Public Health Agency and the voluntary and community sector; and calls on the Minister… Continue Reading Illegal Drugs

Manufacturing Strategy for Northern Ireland

On Monday 6th June 2016, MLAs debated the motion: “That this Assembly calls on the Minister for the Economy to commission a manufacturing strategy for Northern Ireland.” You can read the full transcript from the debate on our website.