Abortion Legislation: Non-Fatal Disabilities – Tuesday 2 June 2020

https://youtu.be/8SMSioxwg4s MLAs Paul Givan, Joanne Bunting, Michelle McIlveen and Pam Cameron propose a motion that the Assembly welcomes the important intervention of disability campaigner Heidi Crowter and rejects the imposition of abortion legislation that extends to all non-fatal disabilities, including Down’s syndrome. Read the Official Report.

Motion: Extension of the EU Withdrawal Transition Period – Tuesday 2 June 2020

https://youtu.be/ojlQhAcxloo MLAs Matthew O’Toole, Colin McGrath and Sinead McLaughlin introduce a motion that the Assembly notes its unique role in the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement and the unique impact of Brexit on Northern Ireland along with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and the extreme challenges facing businesses and workers. They call for an extension of the current… Continue Reading Motion: Extension of the EU Withdrawal Transition Period – Tuesday 2 June 2020

Legislative Consent Motion: Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill – Tuesday 2 June 2020

https://youtu.be/15bX-DnG_Yc Minister for Economy Diane Dodds moves the Legislative Consent Motion for the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill. The Bill, currently going through Westminster, will introduce new corporate restructuring tools to the insolvency and restructuring regime to give companies the breathing space and tools required to maximise their chance of survival. Read more about the… Continue Reading Legislative Consent Motion: Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill – Tuesday 2 June 2020

Amendments to Health Protection Regulations – Tuesday 2 June 2020

https://youtu.be/4QwnKgQyzVU MLAs discuss and approve updates to the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations in the form of Amendments 2 and 3. Amendment 2 updates the regulations in relation to matters such as when a marriage ceremony may take place and the opening of recycling centres. Amendment 3 updates the regulations concerned with private worship and… Continue Reading Amendments to Health Protection Regulations – Tuesday 2 June 2020