Since the emergence of the COVID-19 threat, the response to this emergency has become the main focus of the Assembly and its Committees.
They have held a number evidence sessions and briefings to establish who has been affected and how the issue is being addressed. Committees continue to scrutinise even as the implementation of social distancing measures makes things more difficult.
Below you can access briefings and evidence sessions carried out by the individual Committees in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19):
Ad Hoc Committee on the COVID-19 Response
The Assembly appointed an Ad Hoc Committee to receive oral statements from Ministers on matters relating to the COVID-19 response and to question Ministers on such statements. All Members of the Assembly are members of the Committee. The Chairperson of the Committee is the Speaker or, in his absence, a Deputy Speaker.
Tuesday 7 April 2020 – Deputy Speaker outlines the procedures of the Committee
The Ad Hoc Committee met for the first time and Deputy Speaker, Christopher Stalford, sets out the procedures and structure of the Committee and how it will operate.
Tuesday 7 April 2020 – Statement from the First Minister and deputy First Minister
First Minister Arlene Foster and deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill deliver a statement to the Committee and answer questions from MLAs.
Tuesday 7 April 2020 – Statement from the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Edwin Poots makes a statement to the Committee and responds to MLAs’ questions.
Thursday 9 April 2020 – Statement from the Minister for Education
Education Minister Peter Weir delivers a statement to the Committee and then answers Members’ follow-up questions.
Thursday 9 April 2020 – Statement from the Minister for Communities
Minister for Communites Deirdre Hargey addresses the Committee for the first time and answers questions.
Wednesday 15 April 2020 – Statement from the Minister of Health
Minister of Health Robin Swann addresses the Assembly with the latest information on the Department’s response to COVID-19 and then answers Members’ questions.
Wednesday 15 April 2020 – Statement from the Minister for the Economy
Minister for the Economy Diane Dodds makes a statement to the Committee and then answers questions from Members.
Committee for Education
The committee discuss the impact of COVID-19 and receive briefings from the Minister, Departmental officials and stakeholders:
Wednesday 11 March 2020
Members of the Committee for Education express their concerns about the impending impact of coronavirus and what it might mean for schools at the beginning of their meeting.
Wednesday 18 March 2020 – Ministerial briefing
The Committee is briefed by Education Minister Peter Weir and by the Department’s Permanent Secretary. The Minister discusses the potential of closing schools, what this would mean for free school meals and exams.
Monday 23 March 2020 – Coronavirus Legislative Consent Motion
The Committee discuss the educational and childcare aspects and implications of the Coronavirus Legislative Consent Motion (in respect to the Coronavirus Act 2020) with Departmental Assembly Liaison Officer, Peter Burns. The motion was then discussed and approved in Plenary on Tuesday 24 March 2020.
Wednesday 8 April 2020 – Ministerial update on the response to Coronavirus
The Committee receives an update on the response to the coronavirus pandemic from Education Minister Peter Weir and the Permanent Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the Department. The Committee asked questions on pay for substitute teachers and the health needs of children with special educational needs.
Wednesday 15 April 2020 – Ministerial briefing on the current status of the Coronavirus response
The Committee received an update from Education Minister Peter Weir, and the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Education Derek Baker on the current situation with Coronavirus. The Minister discussed implications for the Childcare Sector, children eligible for free school meals and substitute teachers.
Wednesday 22 April 2020 – Briefing from CCEA on examination arrangements in response to Coronavirus
The Committee receive an update on high-level examination contingency plans due to the current spread of Coronavirus from Justin Edwards and Sharon King of CCEA, who joined the Committee via teleconference.
Wednesday 22 April 2020 – Departmental update on the Coronavirus response
The Committee receive an update on the latest actions from the Department of Education in response to the Coronavirus pandemic from Permanent Secretary Derek Baker. The update included information on the number of schools currently open, number of students in attendance and the situation with students eligible for free school meals.
Committee for Health
The committee discuss the impact of COVID-19 and receive briefings from the Minister, Departmental officials and stakeholders:
Thursday 27 February 2020 – SL1 Public Health Notifiable Disease Order NI 2020
The Committee receive a briefing from Chief Environmental Health Officer Nigel McMahon on the proposed statutory rule to add Coronavirus to the list of notifiable diseases. This allows GPs to share information and is vital in alerting the Public Health Agency and aiding in the tracking and surveillance of the disease.
Thursday 5 March 2020 – SL1 Public Health Notifiable Disease Order NI 2020
The Committee confirm that they have considered the statutory rule to make Coronavirus a notifiable disease (discussed on 27 February 2020) and that they have no objections, subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rules consideration of the rule and subsequent report.
Thursday 12 March 2020 – Ministerial briefing on Departmental priorities
The Committee are briefed by Health Minister Robin Swann, Chief Medical Officer Michael McBride and Permanent Secretary Richard Pengelly on Departmental priorities and the latest information on Coronavirus. The Committee questioned the Minister on the return of retired professionals to the workforce to help with the crisis and the contingency plans in place for those most vulnerable.
Thursday 19 March 2020 – Care sector briefing on the response to Coronavirus
The Committee receives a briefing from representatives from Independent Health and Care Providers and Positive Futures on the impact of, and response to, the the Coronavirus threat.
Thursday 19 March 2020 – briefing on the impact of Coronavirus on community pharmacies
The Committee is briefed on the impact of Coronavirus on community pharmacies by Gerard Greene, Chief Executive of Community Pharmacies NI and Peter Rice of McKenzie Rice Pharmacies. The Committee hear about the increased pressures on staff, the importance of keeping staff healthy and the reduction to core services only to help protect the most vulnerable.
Monday 23 March 2020 – Coronavirus Legislative Consent Motion
The Committee discuss the health and welfare implications of the Coronavirus Legislative Consent Motion (in respect to the Coronavirus Act 2020) receiving a briefing from officials of the Department of Health. Following the briefing, the Committee discuss their support for the motion. The motion was then discussed and approved in Plenary on Tuesday 24 March 2020.
Thursday 26 March 2020 – Ministerial update on surge planning in the response to COVID-19
The Health Committee receives a Covid-19 disease response Departmental briefing on surge planning from Health Minister, Robin Swann, and Chief Medical Officer, Michael Bride, who joined the Committee via Skype session.
Thursday 26 March 2020 – Briefing from British Medical Association and Royal College of General Practitioners
The Committee is briefed by representatives of the British Medical Association and Royal College of General Practitioners on the response to COVID-19.
Thursday 26 March 2020 – Committee consider subordinate legislation in relation to Coronavirus
The Committee consider subordinate legislation that the Health Department would like to expedite in light of the Coronavirus outbreak. This includes legislation to streamline vetting procedures for the re-employment of workers to the health and care sector and to address demands on workforce in the event that staff may not be available at key times.
Legislation considered:
Thursday 2 April 2020 – Ministerial briefing on the latest response to COVID-19
The Committee is joined by Health Minister Robin Swann via teleconference for the latest developments in the response to COVID-19.
Committee members follow the briefing with questions to the Minister on topics including personal protective equipment, supply of ventilators and Coronavirus testing solutions.
Thursday 2 April 2020 – Briefing from the Health Trust on the current issues related to COVID-19
Dr Cathy Jack of the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust updates the Committee on the latest surge planning, stocks of personal protective equipment and the welfare of staff.
Thursday 2 April 2020 – The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations
The Committee is briefed on the The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 by Mr Nigel McMahon of the Department of Health. These regulations outline the restrictions that have been put in place to help slow the spread of Coronavirus including the closure of businesses, the movement of people and public gatherings.
Thursday 2 April 2020 – The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020
The Committee considered SL1 – The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 which proposes to relax the rules around the dispense of drugs without a prescription in specified circumstances to ease the pressure on pharmacies and GP practices and ensure the continuity of care during the pandemic.