Public Accounts Committee Meeting, Thursday 20 January 2022

The Public Accounts Committee met on Thursday 20 January 2022 . Agenda items are as follows –   To hear evidence on the Committee’s latest Inquiry into ‘Broadband Investment in NI’ To consider the first draft of the report into ‘Closing the Gap: Social Deprivation and Links to Educational Attainment’ To consider the draft press release… Continue Reading Public Accounts Committee Meeting, Thursday 20 January 2022

Public Accounts Committee Meeting Thursday 30 September 2021

The Public Accounts Committee met Thursday 30 September. The purpose of this meeting was to consider: Ministerial Direction on Northern Ireland Domestic Aviation Kickstart scheme; To be briefed by the NIAO and prepare for our next inquiry on ‘Closing the Gap’ and  Final Consideration of ‘Speeding up the Justice System’ Report. View Agenda