Motion: Women’s Health Strategy – 13 February 2024

Motion: Women’s Health Strategy


That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Health, working with his Executive colleagues, to bring forward, as a priority, a fully-budgeted Women’s Health Strategy that supports women through every stage of their lives, and is focused on education and awareness raising, screening and earlier diagnosis, and support services and care pathways; and further calls on the Minister and his Executive colleagues to include in this strategy a menopause clinic, earlier gynaecological cancer screening, a framework of support relating to fertility, birth control, pregnancy, baby loss and post-natal healthcare, an emphasis on menstrual health including long-term specialist support for endometriosis, and plans to tackle health inequalities experienced by women from different socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds.

Ms Kellie Armstrong
Miss Nuala McAllister
Ms Sian Mulholland
Ms Kate Nicholl

Amendment 1

Insert after ‘healthcare,’:

‘a reduction of the gender gap in cardiovascular outcomes,’

[Mrs Linda Dillon]
[Ms Liz Kimmons]

Read the transcript of the motion and the debate.