Committee for the Communities Meeting 15 September 2016

The Committee received a Departmental briefing regarding the Licensing and Registration of Clubs ( Amendment) Bill. Members were also briefed by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland on the Imbalance of Representation on the Boards of Public Bodies. View Agenda Subscribe on YouTube. Subscribe on Soundcloud.

Committee for Communities Meeting 30 June 2016

The Committee met in room 29, Parliament Buildings on 30 June 2016 to receive a Ministerial briefing on departmental priorities, a briefing from the Deputy Secretary on community cohesion and a briefing on innovative approaches to stakeholder engagement. View the agenda. Subscribe on YouTube. Subscribe on Soundcloud.

Committee for Communities Meeting 23 June 2016

The Committee for Communities met in room 29, Parliament Buildings on 23 June 2016 to receive a Deputy Secretary briefings on strategic policy and resources, social inclusion and working age. The Committee also received Departmental briefings on the Savills report, social housing reform and homelessness. View the agenda. Subscribe on YouTube. Subscribe on Soundcloud.

Committee for Communities Meeting 16 June 2016

The Committee met in room 29, Parliament Buildings on 16 June 2016 and received Departmental briefings on Regeneration and Housing, Housing benefits, and the Arts Strategy for Northern Ireland. View the agenda. Subscribe on YouTube. Subscribe on Soundcloud.

Committee for Communities Meeting 09 June 2016

The Committee met in room 29, Parliament Buildings on 09 June 2016 to receive Departmental briefings on an overview of the Department, welfare supplementary payment regulations and discretionary support regulations. View the agenda. Subscribe on YouTube. Subscribe on Soundcloud.

Committee for Communities meeting – Thursday 02 June 2016

The Committee for Communities met in Room 29 Parliament Building on Thursday 02 June 2016. The Committee started in closed session talk about Committee Practices. In open session the committee discussed the Departmental guidance on timescales for interaction between Assembly Committees and Departments. View the agenda here