Audit Committee Meeting 08 March 2016

The Committee met on Tuesday 8th March 2016 in Room 21, Parliament Buildings. The Committee considered the NIAO’s Main Estimate for 2016-17 and the Committee’s draft Foreword to the Corporate Plan. The Committee also took evidence from the NI Ombudsman on a Memorandum of Understanding. View the agenda.

Audit Committee Meeting 02 February 2016

The Committee met on 2 February 2016 in room 21, Parliament Buildings to receive a briefing on NIAO Spring Supplementary Estimates 2015-16 from officials of the Northern Ireland Audit Office. View the agenda.

Audit Committee Meeting 13 October 2015

The Audit Committee considered the ‘NIAO Resources: 2015-16 Financial Position’; received a briefing from the NIAO Audit Committee; considered the ‘Public Service Ombudsperson Bill’ and the Audit Committee’s ‘End of Session Report’. View the agenda.