Threats to the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service

On Monday 18 January 2016 MLAs debated the following motion: That this Assembly notes the crucial and life-saving role of the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) in responding to fires, road traffic collisions, other specialist rescue incidents and in providing community safety education; expresses regret that it has not been considered a front-line… Continue Reading Threats to the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service

Community-based and Alternative Education in West Belfast

The Adjournment debate on Tuesday 12 January 2016 was on the subject of “Community-based and Alternative Education in West Belfast”. The proposer of the topic was Ms Jennifer McCann: “Go raibh maith agat, Mr Deputy Speaker. I very much welcome the opportunity to open today’s Adjournment debate and to raise the important issue of community-based… Continue Reading Community-based and Alternative Education in West Belfast

Filling of Vacancies in the Office of First Minister and deputy First Minister

On Monday the 11 January 2016 the Rt Hon Peter Robinson MLA resigned from his position of First Minister. This video shows the procedure that takes place to fill vacancies within the Office of First Minister and deputy First Minister. From the Official Report: “Mr Speaker: The First Minister’s resignation has now taken effect and,… Continue Reading Filling of Vacancies in the Office of First Minister and deputy First Minister