Assembly Debates
Assembly Debates raise awareness of topical and/or specific local issues. This category will promote those debates that are in the wider public interest.
Racial Equality Strategy
Motion: Racial Equality Strategy Proposed: That this Assembly recognises the positive contribution that ethnic minorities make to our society; notes with concern an increase of 87 per cent in hate-related crime in the last four years; and calls on all Ministers to continue to give priority to implementing the Racial Equality Strategy and the Together:… Continue Reading Racial Equality Strategy
Private Members’ Business – Scrambler and Quad Bikes
That this Assembly calls on the Executive to review the current legislation governing scrambler and quad bikes; and further calls on the PSNI and other responsible agencies to ensure that the current legislation governing these machines is enforced in a robust way.
Motion – Epilepsy Service Provision
That this Assembly commends the work of the Assembly all-party group on epilepsy and the Northern Ireland advisory council of Epilepsy Action; and calls on the Minister of Health to establish a patient-led approach to epilepsy service provision, with particular emphasis on the protection and extension of epilepsy nurse specialists, and the creation of a… Continue Reading Motion – Epilepsy Service Provision