Private Members’ Business – Nurture Provision

That this Assembly welcomes the report by the Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation at Queen’s University Belfast, entitled ‘The Impact and Cost Effectiveness of Nurture Groups in Primary Schools in Northern Ireland’; welcomes the commitment of the Minister of Education to continuing to fund the 32 nurture units across Northern Ireland; and calls on… Continue Reading Private Members’ Business – Nurture Provision

Private Members’ Business – Middletown Centre for Autism

That this Assembly is deeply concerned by the failure to provide residential assessments and therapies at the Middletown Centre for Autism; believes that this represents a setback for autism services across the island of Ireland; and calls on the Minister of Education to work with his Executive colleagues and the Minister for Education and Skills… Continue Reading Private Members’ Business – Middletown Centre for Autism

Health and Wellbeing 2026

On Monday the 14th of November, MLAs debated the following motion: “That this Assembly notes the publication of Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together and Systems, Not Structures: Changing Health and Social Care.” You can read the full transcript on our website.

Addressing the Past

That this Assembly believes in a victim-centred approach to addressing the past and that victims and survivors should have a meaningful input to the content and design of legacy proposals; further believes that justice, truth and accountability, acknowledgement and support for victims and survivors are essential elements in a comprehensive approach to the past; notes… Continue Reading Addressing the Past

Private Members’ Business – Ending All Forms of Paramilitarism

That this Assembly believes that, 18 years after the Good Friday Agreement, all paramilitary organisations should have ceased to exist; notes the Fresh Start panel report on the ‘Disbandment of Paramilitary Groups in Northern Ireland’ and the lacklustre response from the Executive; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister and the Minister… Continue Reading Private Members’ Business – Ending All Forms of Paramilitarism